Educquest assists schools, educators and parents to shift their thinking about the education process to a learning process based on inquiry. This means the learner thinks as a researcher, discoverer and able to make meaning (find & use).
Educquest programs shift the teaching process to a learning process of discovering new causal relations, with the learner testing them by conducting experiments and making observations, and how do they teach 21st century skills. This means the learner thinks as a researcher, discoverer and able to make meaning (find & use) not able to remember and repeat information. The school works as a learning experience designer and parents help family to be an inspirational learning environment.
Target Audience
- Individual learners.
- Teachers.
- Educational institutions.
- Training institutions.
We work to provide a conceptual framework for all those who are interested in education to change their mind-setup from teaching to learning experience design.
Based on learning-by-inquiry approach, and the principles of personalized learning, we’ve designed a framework that supports the notion of “learning as a lifestyle” shown below. This framework is compatible with the 21st-century learning skills and can be easily applied in different environments.